infarcted rat myocardium: data from biaxial tensile&uniaxial compressive testing&---ysis of collagen fibre orientation
myocardial infarction was experimentally induced in rat hearts
and harvested immediately, 7, 14&28 days after the infarction
induction. anterior wall infarct samples underwent biaxial tensile
and uniaxial compressive testing. orientation of collagen fibres
was ---ysed following mechanical testing. in this er, we present the tensile&compressive stress–strain raw data, the calculated tensile&compressive mo---&the measured angles
biomomentum多轴机械测试仪mach-1应用 聚合物凝胶的多峰表征,以确定测试方法对观察到的弹性模量的影响
david m.kingsley,caitlin h.mccleery,christopher dljohnson,michael tkbramson,deniz rende,ryan j.gilbert,david t.corr
infarcted rat myocardium: data from biaxial tensile&uniaxial compressive testing&---ysis of collagen fibre orientation
in vitro technique in estimation of passive mechanical properties of bovine heart part i. experimental techniques&data
牛---被动机械性能的体外评价技术 i. 实验技术和数据
关键词: 微观力学测定系统 - 细胞力学设备 - 生物打印机 - 酶联斑点图像分析仪 - 单细胞单分子封装仪